Today 25 12 18
Actually all we know that heat is a radiation and it travels
through vibration of internal molicules of partical..but what about heat
radiation in free space,…a question arise…ll heal not travel through free
space..if travels than it must have an wave..and as light it must have some
particles that are effective during heat radiation..quite an idea like photon
or graviton..
Now what is heat,,it’s just energy,,it it is then it must
And also a thing in nutonial wold there must be a opposite
thing of the heat particl…if I consider during heat radiation a heat partical
emmerced then there must be opposite partical which is traveling from cold to hot body…. In everyday life in winter
we can feel cold..just a min heat can flow from hot to cold then in such case
we are looseing enery but all of us know that we can live in starve better…if I
am not true than I can say eat more..hha though it is contradictory,,but why
then desert strom happens in desert…there always have a higher heat in all
spaces so they are must be increasing to normal land as it close…so in 3k years
it must have desert everywhere…
you can consider heat as electricity then also we can find +ve charge and -ve
charde travels opposite each other ansd as a result current in case
of heat there is also some thing which is traveling fron cold to hot body i
an saying something after considering heat in particular physics…something
which traveling and around all universe..
all is what I thought…and as per Hawkins the worlds all law can be expressed
by a law and in a way moreover so we can consider the thermodynamics can must
be consider in classical and electrical way..if it cann’t be expressed tyhen
there must be some fault in our consideration.
I considered that heat is the energy which can better travel through a
medium..but I min heat also cnt flow through non conductive matrial like the
behaviour of electricity.
everydays knowledge we al know that when you are wearing woollens or in a hut
of clay it reseve’s your body heat and cann’t make you in heat contact with the
outside. Suppose if heat flow occurs thouh energy it can pass even heat flows
hot to cold then the walls of hut must be hot as cold is not a effective 1
and quite like -ve side..but we can easyly see that in a hut opr building walls
remain it must be considered that heat is like an which
-ve side is more we all know the main reason of electricity is
the flow of -ve there maybe some particles like electron(anti heat
particles)which flows from cold to hot and for that reason heat flows heat to
cold..whatever my point is heat is created by the motion of internal
molicules of a substance obviously,but there must be some particles which is the
reason of heat flow…and the particles are not a very powerful 1…they are just
effective to increase is a substances energy..such you could consider if the
particles get inside you it exite's your body molicules and for that reason you
are feeling warm.
than this I think there is some particles in a cold region if that enters your
body that can feel you cold and can release your heat…I mean some particles
are effective to keep energy out from a body and by heating we just do reducing
those amount of particles…
asper hurt’s example it can easily be considered right???